India is a large and developing country. In India education problems are so high, the illiteracy rate is high in some states of our country. However several NGOs in India work for Child education, skill training, development, and empowerment.
As per the ASER_AP report 2012, only 2.6% of children between the ages of 6 to 14 are out of school. However, out of the children that are in Std. V, only 59.4% of them are able to read Std. II level text. Where Arithmetic is concerned, 19.0% of children in Std I cannot recognize numbers from 1 to 9. There is a great demand for private schools in the state with almost 36.5% of children between the ages of 6 to 14 being enrolled in private schools.
The Read India program is running in most districts in Haryana through 1 Training Center and 13 BEPs. While Pratham covers children between the ages of 6 to 14, the focus is on the weaker children who need extra support. In Haryana, there is no formal government partnership and therefore the program is largely community-based and is implemented by village-level volunteers. Pratham enjoys strong Panchayat (village level Government) partnerships in most districts. Volunteers have been given permission to teach inside school premises before and/or after school hours.
In the regions of NGOs in Gurgaon, Hisar, Sonipat, Ambala, and NGOs in Faridabad, almost 50% of volunteers are Vidya Volunteers (contract teachers) implementing the Read India program in government schools. Pratham Open School (POS) is one of the major programs run by Pratham Haryana. there are 5POS centers Gurugram one through this program 500 young women are getting the opportunity to complete their SSC. In return, they are helping10,000 young children to improve their learning levels.
In another district, the Pratham team has forged a partnership with the District Government, through which government teachers are being trained to teach English using Pratham’s CAMaL methodology in the year 2010. The Urban Program is running in cities; gurugram and Faridabad. Pratham is working through Urban Learning Centre (ULC) model where children are tutored and are given help where required, one model Pre-school (Balwadi) is running in ULC. Under skilling programs; tailoring, Computers, and English communication programs are also implemented.
In Gurgaon, Pratham works with the government through various programs such as the School Management Committee (SMC) program which deals with strengthening SMCs. Given the vital role of SMCs as laid out by Right to Education law, it is crucial that SMCs are made aware of their roles and capacities to influence school operations.
In Gurugram, Pratham also runs the Early Childhood Care and Education Program in 208 Government schools with 4 manuals. As part of skilling programs Education for Education (EFE), Foundation Course for Employability (FCE), Certificate Course in Early Childhood care Education (ECCE) are in the implementation process in several districts, meant for unemployed youth. Training cum science center is located in several areas. Apart from conducting Pratham state pieces of training there, the center is also used to promote science in the block through various workshops and fairs. Pilots are also conducted for various programs. One Lab school is established and run by Pratham in the major district with the name of Sprout's English medium school to do Pilots./research on teaching methods.