In a warehouse, forklifts and other heavy equipment are constantly in motion, moving inventory around the facility. This can be a dangerous environment if workers are not paying attention. To help ensure safety in the warehouse, install industrial safety barriers to control traffic.
Safety barriers are modular partitions placed at strategic points throughout the warehouse. They divide areas into cordoned lanes or sections. You can also use safety barriers in conjunction with industrial safety signs to act as additional warnings.
When used effectively, industrial safety barriers can help prevent injuries and vehicle damage. They give trucks and other industrial vehicles a designated lane to travel in. This keeps vehicles away from pedestrians, assets, and other equipment. Plus, the modular nature of safety barriers makes them easy to move around, unlike permanent barriers.
These are some of the safety barriers you might consider using at your workplace:
1. Traffic Barriers. Use traffic barriers to create walkways and separate worker and vehicle traffic.
2. Modular Machine Guards. Use machine guards to protect machines from damage. They also keep pedestrians or vehicles from walking into assets or equipment.
3. Wall and Impact Protection. Protection guards can safeguard vehicles driving around the facility. These guards act as wall cushions that absorb impact from vehicles.
4. Loading Bay Barriers. You can use barriers to partition entrances and exits. This will help control who comes in and out, and also keep people from entering restricted areas.
Here’s what you should do to better manage traffic at your warehouse:
1. Create a traffic management plan.
2. Determine which areas are accident-prone.
3. Make sure the traffic management plan does not mix pedestrian traffic with vehicle traffic.
4. Mark pedestrian and vehicle crossings.
5. Keep areas with a lot of forklift traffic away from pedestrian routes.
6. Install physical barriers like fences and lines on the ground to show people where they can work.
7. Install bollards and railings to protect columns and equipment and avert falls.
8. Install modular machine protection to protect machines and equipment.
9. Make sure there are separate entrances and exits for pedestrians and forklifts. If this is not feasible, allow clearances to help check oncoming traffic.
10. Add signs, alarms, and lights to augment the barriers. You can also use this to augment a machine’s safety barrier.
11. Place both permanent and temporary barricades at entrances and exits to regulate traffic.
If you’re looking for additional ways to increase safety in your facility, consider installing self-supporting modular barrier guards. We can help provide and install custom guards for your specific zones. Contact us today for a quote.