
Dragonfly Aerospace Concepts

person Posted:  KenneEmery
calendar_month 07 May 2021
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Best Satellite Dragonfly Aerospace Concepts

The U.S. military needs one of the best satellite Dragonfly Aerospace programs. Recently we saw how much our enemies space weaponry had improved and the trend continues to grow. One way we can counter this is with a program like this to put our satellites into orbit and track the weapons and data they send and receive.

Recently we saw China put in a long range, earth orbit satellite that was supposed to go up one year but now it's going into orbit in two years. Russia also has one of these systems and it's going to be up next year. Will China or Russia protect their own satellites from being stolen? If they can steal yours then you might be able to shoot it down with one of your own missiles or intercept it before it gets too close. Is our enemy already doing this? One has to ask.

Aerospace Concepts best nowadays

Of course, we've seen they're hacking into US Defense computer systems and we've even had news reports of them using fake documents and pretending to be government employees to get into top secret government computer systems. Is this what we're going to see if China gets a satellite system? This may very well be the next Stuxnet or another weaponized cyber attack on our nation. We don't know but it seems likely and it's getting closer by the day.

What's really scary is how easy it is for someone who is trained as a hacker to get into our computer systems and do some real damage. How easy is it for someone who doesn't have good skills at computers to go and hack into our defense systems without us even knowing about it? It's scary and this has to stop. We need to protect our systems from these folks.

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We've also learned that they are also stealing corporate and government technologies from other nations. How will we protect our intellectual property when China has access to everything we produce and sell? Will the United States of America to be able to protect its interests if this happens? Will our systems be copied and not be in competition with the Chinese copycat systems? How to prevent this is an ongoing discussion in Washington DC right now.

The best satellite Dragonfly looks like a toy that can be flown around the world with no problem. But, if it does start shooting missiles into United States owned satellites, who's to say that it can't do it all over the world? Think on this. Please consider all this.

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