The Daily Telegraph reportedchildren starting kindergarten have speech skills of three-year-olds because of an excessive amount of TV and insufficient nuclear family.
go nowof those kindergarten students have poor language skills whichhamper their ability to master to read. NSW public school teacher and author of Teach Baby To Talk Sandra Smith said six to eight beyond 30 children in each kindergarten have speech problems. They speak in sentence structures of three-year-olds instead of five-year-olds. According to the "Growing Up In Australia" study this season, 28% of boys and 19% of girls, aged eight to nine, were considered below average in language and literacy skills.
The Speech Pathology Association of Australia reported 20% of four- to five-year-old Australian children had speech difficulties.ProfessorSharynne McLeod from Charles Sturt University, specialist in speech and language acquisition, said students with speech problems were probably be bullied and not enjoy school. So if you noticeyour children exhibiting some speech difficulties or problems, seek a speech pathology professional to help you your children cope with the developmental skills needed.Early intervention is easily the most efficient time for therapy and definately will supply the best outcome of these forms of problems.
Speech and Language Disorders to Look Out For
Below are some with the speech and language disorders you might like to remember as you observe your son or daughter's speech and language development. When you see some signs, it's better with your youngster to a therapist for the professional opinion or diagnosis.
Speech disorders - every time a child struggles to produce speech sounds correctly and fluently or has problems with his / her voice
Articulation disorders - the kid has difficulties in producing sounds,in syllables or saying words correctly. Listeners thereforecan't or struggleunderstand what's being said
Fluency disorders - the child has problems such as stuttering, where the flow of speech is interrupted by abnormal stoppages: repetitions (st-st-stuttering) or prolonging sounds and syllables (ssssstuttering)
Resonance or voice disorders - the child has problems with the pitch, volume, or quality of her or his voice that distract listeners from what's being said
Dysphagia or oral feeding disorders - a child has problems with drooling, eating, andorswallowing
Language disorders - every time a child has trouble understanding others or sharing their thoughts and ideas
o Receptive disorders - the child has difficulties:
understanding or processing language
being aware of what has been thought to them
o Expressive disorders - the child has:
difficulties putting words together
limited vocabulary
inability to use language in the socially appropriate way
problems with verbal and written expression of language
problems producing sentences
trouble recalling words and vocabulary
To be sure that your kid's speech problems are addressed properly and immediately, seek the help of a delivery pathology professional, that can diagnose, manage and treat your son or daughter's difficulties.