
Do Squat Wedges Work?

person Posted:  Jen Hefter
calendar_month 23 Aug 2021
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So, do squats make you weak? That depends on the person. You see, some people that do squat wedges do so to gain a competitive edge in sports like basketball or track and field. In this instance, it works both ways. The athlete uses his leg strength to win the race and at the same time the athlete does the squat to gain the most power and weight behind his run. It is truly an amazing phenomenon.


Squats are just basically foot work with no much in between. That means runners can run very fast but they do not have the pure strength of an Olympic caliber athletes. This is where the wedges come into play. They are used to support the athlete's weight and help him do more.


Now, let's talk about those who do not do any sort of athletic endeavour and just want to be healthy. For the recreational athlete, they might do some squatting occasionally to keep their bodies fit. Then again, there are many who do not really need strength training in order to remain in shape and healthy. However, they still would like to be in good shape if they can walk around longer and get farther in their daily activities.


Now, let's go back to those who do compete in sports and those who do not. In the former category, they are looking to improve their speed and explosive power. They want to be as quick as possible so that they can run away from their opponents and kick down the ball after ball with greater ease and force. In addition to this, they want to hit the ball with greater accuracy and power.


In the latter category, the athletes do not aim to be as fast as the track and field athletes. Instead, they just want to be able to react faster in any given situation. They also want to be as strong as the competition. If they are physically fit, then they can exert their effort longer and more powerfully. Now, let us think about these athletes and their training. It would not be wrong to conclude that the athletes who do squat wedges do more to enhance their strength and physical power than the other category of athletes.


So if you ask me, do squat wedges work? I would say yes. There are many athletes who have used this exercise to train their quads. So, if you are too weak to lift your own weight, I am sure that squats would be a great way to go.


5 Best Squat Wedges for Better Squats

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