It’s that time of the year again, when you must get ahead of the shopping game and start buying gifts for your loved ones. But you are out of ideas – don’t worry, we’re here to help. Just read on.
If it’s Christmas, it has to be bed linen
Christmas comes at the end of the year, in the last week of the year’s last month. It is winter season in most parts of the world at this time, and regions like Europe, some parts of Australia and the US experience snowfall during this season. Despite its equatorial climate, India also experiences at least two months of cold weather, albeit of varying degrees. There is snowfall in States like Jammu Kashmir and Sikkim, while there is a sharp drop in temperatures everywhere else.
So Christmas occurs during the peak of winter, and it is a time where one is happy to sit on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate, a favourite rom com and a warm comforter to wrap themselves in. At night, while the temperature drops even further and makes for a chilly night, one likes to be inside a warm dohar or comforter and sleep a deep sleep till the morning comes.
It naturally follows that if you want to gift your loved ones for Christmas, the most thoughtful gifts would comprise bed linen like new comforters or dohars, anti-viral bedsheets and new pillows.
Why shop right away?
The end of the year marks almost the end of the festive season. Everybody shops frantically at this time, and it is often impossible to find what you really wish to buy without it being either out of stock, or in a colour or material that you don’t like. So it is better to get a headstart on Christmas shopping before the date approaches. Not only will you have a longer timeframe in which to make your purchases, but you can also ask for returns and exchanges if needed well in time for Christmas. The closer you get to December 25, the longer the wait times for delivery.
Besides, the best festive deals on a variety of bed linen are available right now even as you read this. So why wait and miss out? It’s time to play ‘Fastest finger first’ and grab the best combo deals on festive bed linen bargains before anyone else does!
How to shop for quality bed linen online
· We recommend shopping for bed linen online, from new bedsheets to duvet covers. The threat of the novel Coronavirus still looms large – if anything, cases are expected to spike more in cold weather – and it is better to leave store browsing for a safer time. For now, you can browse your favourite brand’s online inventory for your purchases.
· Look for combo sets if you wish to give a complete gift to your loved ones – these often include bedsheets, matching pillow cases and a dohar or comforter. You can even buy single or double bedsheets without combo offers. Ditto for dohars and comforters
· Ascertain if the giftee will like a certain colour and design. For instance, some like dark colours without any designs, while others prefer pastel shades and floral or ethnic motifs. Still others like geometric prints. Or you might even want to gift your young nephews and nieces – you can pick kids’ bedding and bath linen too
· Pay online for your purchases and have the gifts delivered directly to the receivers’ addresses.
That’s it – you’re all set to shop for the season and get the best bargains, too!