AI will change themethodservice is done in the future.Much of youmight not know what I'm talking about.Many individualswill certainly use the term 'artificial intelligence' to describe any computersoftware application system that's been developed todo a task that wasformerlyexecuted by a human expert. If we continue to live life themethod we do today with the help of computers we'llnever ever be able toenjoy TV,conversation on the phone orexamine youre-mails without seeing or talking about a humangoing to the same time.
So what is the future of artificial intelligence? In thisshort article we'll discuss how AI willtransform themeansorganizations areperformed in the future.Organizationswill certainly continue tomake use of AIs for allkind ofjobs from scheduling meetings to completingclient requests. But will wemake use of AIs to replace humans completely? Thatinquiry remains to be seen.
The first thing to realize is that we are stillquite in theworld of science fiction when itinvolves AIs.Sci-fiauthorshave actually already delved into the future of AI and given it arange ofvarious names such as cyborg, nanobot, superintelligent computer androidsas well asextremely powered humans. Will thesegadgets replace their creators, or will they be more likeexpansions orcompanions to humans in theirdaily lives? The answer is not known butone point isfor certain, the future ofexpert system is not justsci-fi; it iscurrentlybelow and changing our liveson a daily basis.
One point isfor surewhich is if youwish toremain toremain competitive in today's market youneed to use artificial intelligence in all of your efforts. Whether you're marketing,developingweb sites, composinge-mails, filling out formsand even doingcustomer care on the phone,utilizingexpert system willcertainlytransform themeans youoperate. Now that we know this AIs are coming, what do youbelieve businesses should beseeking? There are a fewcrucialfunctions that allcompaniesrequire in order to be successful.
AI willcertainly change themeans peopleinteract with each other. We're notdiscussing having an AIaide take your calls, transcribe your notes orcreate youre-mails for you, we're talking aboutactual,genuine human intervention. With AI it will befeasible toperform telephone conversationby means of speech recognitionsoftware application, which will allow you tojuststate something like, "Thanks for calling us, that wasactuallyfast of you,just how may Iassist you?" Or evenextrainteresting, "Hey, Isimply had to seeexactly how ourclient supportrepcantake care of a question, I'll give them arecall"and after thatstruck aswitch. These types of conversations would not be possible without the aid of artificial intelligence in the form of AI assistants.
Another application of artificial intelligence is to make your voicelistened to over the phone.Think of being able to simply speak into the phone and having itcontinueas if youexisted. If you are on hold,not a problem,simplypush aswitchand also immediately a recording of your voicewill certainlybegin the line,as though youremained in front of you.Think ofjust how much moreefficientand also efficient yourservicewould certainly be with an A.I. system thatcan virtually take yourtelephone callsand also route themvia differentdivisions.
AI willmost definitelytransform themethod businesses areperformed in the future. We arecurrently seeing this by theintroduction of Skype, whichutilizes artificial intelligencetogether withconversation clients,internet cam, textas well asvideo clipconversation,as well ascombination with other networks like Facebook. It is only the beginning. Soon,computer systemcreatedpictures willremain in ourpublications, books and newspapers and definitely in our sky.
AIwill certainly alsocertainlyalter themethod we do personal shopping. Will
WHEN WILL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TAKE OVERhave self-drivingcars and trucks that drive us around shopping malls or will thevehicle assistants go there for us? Will ourgrocery stores be delivered infridges or will they be delivered byrobot drones? Itappears science fiction dreams are becoming reality. With A.I., there is no turning back.
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