It is likely that you have been familiar with of the brand name Cronus Zen and thought, What exactly do you know about Cronus Zen? Yes, I was there too. I found the answer for you put on your seat belt or gaming limb and let's take a short walk down universal controls lane.
What is Cronus Zen? Cronus Zen Device The Cronus Zen device is tiny and it is meant to let you utilize any mouse or controller or keyboard with any console or PC which you are able to take your dirty, oily, Cheetos covered gamer nerd hands on.
maldingas a game controller converter based upon the CronusMax controller emulator and scripting technology. The device is meant to create harmony in the rift that some gamers may experience when they own one console or two. An example would be users who wish to utilize Xbox Elite Controller Xbox Elite Controller with the PlayStation 5 and not suffer from lag or a lack of functions which this device promises to allow.
What is Cronus Zen? All controllers for all consoles You are supposed to get the lag-free, fully customizable mapping buttons to actions such as customizing paddles, and even be able to mod the controller with aim bot, no recoil, quick scope assist for quick looking like a beginner who's got nothing more to do instead of feeling comfortable playing around with cheaters in games that are multiplayer.
Let me know if you're interested in the ability to use the PlayStation 5 controller on a Nintendo Switch or Mouse and Keyboard for games that don't support it due to lazy developers, however, if you're modding for the sake or ruining the enjoyment of someone else, this isn't acceptable with me.
What is Cronus Zen?
It's a legitimate device that I am not looking to purchase however I do have a few friends who would like to purchase one and be able to play games on consoles using Mouse and Keyboard without any input lag or take your Xbox controller to an Nintendo Switch.
If you do test it , or have one please share it with us on social media through the SLA streaming Live Academy socials where we can talk about this puppy.
Cronus Zen seems to be the answer to PC as well as console players who want to alter the buttons that they press on their controllers without the need to purchase the premium controllers of every platform.
The Cronus Zen will also permit you to connect your Xbox and PlayStation headsets with any console you want to use it on so those headsets that aren't able to sync it across platforms stand no chance against mixing and making.
Xbox Elite Controller 2 Mix and match this device should allow you to set a paddle for example , on the controller, to run a script, where you can theoretically drop shots into Call of Duty with only the press of 1 button.
It is interesting and should be maintained, and as per the developers and sellers of the device it cannot be detected unless you employ mods. In this case, other players and odd behaviors within the game could end up triggering a alert to the game's creators or platform of choice and cause you to be banned, so be aware or don't be a sour mob or loser with other players in settings where you shouldn't be modding.
In short when or if I do get my hands on this I will test it for you and Streaming Live Academy and find out if it really is the great device that the manufacturer and seller are declaring it to be.
What is Cronus Zen? What is Cronus Zen? It's an adapter for universal controllers which allows you to utilize any console controller on any other console, like Xbox for PlayStation as well as Nintendo Switch and vice versa. It's designed to be invisible to the console that it is there and you can modify the buttons to perform any action you require to do.