
Follea Wigs and Topettes

person Posted:  tonygallatin112
calendar_month 24 Feb 2024
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Follea Wigs and Topettes are made to replace the loss of hair caused by chemotherapy, alopecia or natural aging. Made of high-quality human hair, they can be styled and washed exactly like real hair for easy styling and maintenance.

Hand-tied wigs give the most realistic look, with a lace front that extends that extends from temple to temple. They also feature the softly woven lace which is tightly attached to the cap with exposed knots bleached for an authentic scalp look.

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Follea Wigs are 100% hand tied human hair wigs made with an amazing invisible lace front. They are lightweight, breathable breathable, breathable and have the finest hair texture available in wigs - giving them a realistic appearance that moves like a real hair, while being simple to wash and style. Follea comes in various lengths and colors; most well-known is Style made from European hair which feels incredible comfortable to the touch.

Mirna has long used social media platforms to share her experiences with wigs and provide encouragement and motivation to those who suffer from trichotillomania or chemotherapy-induced hair loss. Her intention is to help women to accept and accept their experience of wearing wigs in order that they can find one suitable to their needs, and to be able to accept their loss without shame or stigma. Mirna recommends the Gripper and Chic as the best options that look stunning worn up, down or braided. Both styles come with caps that open to be worn all day long. Chic features a longer front of lace stretching from temple to temple, creating a natural, beautiful hairline.


Chic is the ideal hairstyle to create a sleek seamless, smooth hairline to your customer. Made by hand using light lace front material which feels comfortable on your scalp and can last through numerous washes. Chic is able to be worn in a variety of ways, including up, down braided, or half-do without attracting attention from others.

Hand-tied wigs have a soft mesh base with each hair being individually tied on. Since these delicate wigs require extra care when wearing, including avoiding hot sources of heat and excessive shampoos or conditioners and placing them in a cool place while in storage, specific precautions must be taken.

Welded lace can be found in these units. It's very strong but flexible of material that allows your clients to separate their hair wherever they like without fear of tangling. Furthermore, this kind of lace is less prone to knots than other types.

Follea caps with permatease at their top area are not monofilament-style tops or partings and, therefore, will feature permatease at the crown area for more natural look. This allows hair to shift slightly when worn, it also creates short spikey effects on the crown region.


Gripper Lite brings life back into your hairstyle by bringing natural movement and a look that resembles real hair. The cap is lightweight and provides the comfort and security you need in casual wear, without tape allowing your hair to breathe freely.

The Gripper Lite Collection boasts a medical-grade silicone edge that safely and comfortably secures its shape, and is adorned with softly woven, hand-tied hairline and natural skin tops for a beautiful finish.

Follea offers premium wig and topette options that are designed to bring back confidence following loss of hair or thinning making you feel like yourself. Set up a complimentary consultation with one of our professional experts to find your ideal solution.

Follea wigs that do not have a monofilament top or a parting typically show permatease, multiple short spikes scattered over the top area as part of the manufacturing process. Our experts can provide additional advice on this regard.


Innovative non-slip wig that is ideal for women and children with very little or no hair. It is held securely in place using medical grade silicone perimeter and additional silicone grip from the occipital region to the nape for a secure fit.

Chic is hand-tied with European processed hair that has some cuticle intact for maximum high-end human hair lace front wearability. It features the natural top of our skin, an extended front lace, hypoallergenic medical-grade silicone to ensure a perfect quality fit.

Once your Follea wig arrives it is both exhilarating and somewhat frightening to begin wearing it and learning about its distinct features. One thing that can be a surprise to some is how the ear tabs are positioned differently than other caps.

Ear tabs that are included on Gripper Lite and Actif wigs are designed to sit higher than on Style, Chic and Grandeur (and most other branded) models in order to keep them in place, and to prevent pulling and tugging from causing stress and tension that could lead to long-term damage to them. If this occurs repeatedly this could create further stress & tension resulting in long term wear damage to these styles of wigs.


Grandeur is Follea's most exquisite wig. It is hand-crafted using hair from their "private reserve" top European hair. It is a truly stunning hairpiece. Grandeur exudes sophistication.

Follea's style crafted from 100% European hair provides comfort and the security of an ultralight fit and features their signature return hair style. Available in various lengths and shades.

Monofilament wigs feature fine mesh base with tiny holes that is gentle on sensitive scalps. Every hair in the wig is tied onto its base to give an appearance of your own hair follicles. This gives them an entirely natural appearance and feel.

Hair loss affects over 30 million women annually in America Many are searching for natural ways to boost volume without creating noticeable gaps in their own locks. Follea wigs and top pieces offer stunning, natural-looking solutions; come visit HRI in Minneapolis for a private Follea consultation to find the best option for you.

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