
Wig Measurements

person Posted:  fanniebrucato84
calendar_month 16 Sep 2023
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No matter whether you wear wigs for aesthetic or medical reasons, finding an optimal size is crucial. To ensure you get the perfect size wig swiftly comfortable, recommend following these three easy measures to determine your head and refer to the wig size chart.

Make sure your hair is pin-back and flat before positioning a flexible tape that measures your front hairline, and resting it over the other ear. Note down the measurement.

Front to Nape

To take an accurate front-to-nape measurement Begin by measuring your tape along the center forehead hairline and pull it around directly behind one ear, before dragging it along the nape of your neck toward the other ear - this measurement is known as your head circumference and will help determine which size wig you need. It is important to keep in mind that if the measurement falls in between 2 sizes selecting the larger size will allow more leeway for adjustments later.

To determine the nape measurement, position the tape measure on the bottom of your neck hairline. Measure diagonally to determine the nape's width. Again, it is crucial that your hair be styled as you intend to wear it beneath your wig before taking these measurements to ensure they are precise. We recommend taking four measurements so your results remain the same.

Last but not least is an ear to ear measurement. To get this measurement done easily and quickly, just place the tape measure on the center of one ear and then move it across your head in order to measure both ears. Repeat the process multiple times to get your ear-to-ear measurement.

Ear to Ear

Ear-to-ear measurements are one of the most crucial wig measurements. If your wig does not sit perfectly over your head, it won't appear natural and won't fit properly - this measurement begins by starting in front of your hairline at the middle of your forehead. After that, you can run tape to take a measurement all the way back behind one ear to the point where your neck curves towards your nape (you must repeat this step on both sides for a the full measurement).

Flexible tape measures are the perfect tool to take this measurement. Be sure to remove any hairstyles that might skew the results, such as braids or low ponytails, before pulling tight the tape measure so it does not come loose in the course of measurement. The tape measure should be placed under the hair. This can also help ensure there's no confusion about where on your head the measurements are taken.

Utilizing Wig Measurements is crucial to finding your ideal wig! Be sure to take multiple measurements in order to obtain exact results. You can then refer to a handy sizing guide in order to find one which is specifically tailored to your needs!


Finding the perfect fitting when buying a wig is essential for a comfortable and secure stylist experience. A flexible fabric tape measure will help you decide what size wig best suits your needs. Measurements can be taken within a matter of minutes! It provides accurate measurements to help you choose an optimal wig fit which will feel secure all day long!

To get this measurement, place a measuring tape on top of one ear and then move it until it is at the top of the other ear. this measurement is called circumference. It will provide an overall measurement of the size of your head.

Take measurements when shopping for smaller, average or large size wigs to avoid headaches or one that falls off your head! Make sure to use a flexible measuring tape while making these measurements so that they can be compared against the size chart for wigs prior to picking your wig! Having the appropriate size wig can make all the difference in the way your appearance and feel wearing it!

From Back to Front

Using the same flexible cloth tape measurement as before start at the hairline on your forehead and trace around to behind the ears. Move towards the rear of your head, where the nape sits; from there go down behind one ear until reaching the point at which your neck bends this measurement will ensure your wig sits naturally at the natural hairline, without getting excessively long in the back of your neck.

Ear Top from Ear Top

This measurement is a sixth one that can help determine how much head space there is over the top. To get the most accurate results, it is best to take this measurement when wearing your wig, this way, it will be able to account for the way that hair is placed when it is in its place. Begin by measuring one ear and move across until you get to the opposite before comparing this number against the chart to figure out your size the wig.

Once you know your wig size, the process of shopping becomes much simpler! We have small, average, and large units to accommodate 95% of women - many even have adjustable straps to give an optimal fit or extra space as necessary! So you can be assured that whichever one you pick will look stunning and remain comfortably.

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