
How to Grill Sunflower Seeds

person Posted:  Addison Parker
calendar_month 24 Aug 2022
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You can eat sunflower seeds in just about any way you can think of. You can put them in salads, stir-fries, and baked goods like muffins and cookies. But sunflower seeds are great on their own or in a trail mix with other nuts and seeds. Read more about the benefits of sunflower seeds for females.




Sunflower seeds are a good source of omega-6 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins, vitamin D, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, and zinc. Also, they have antioxidants that help get rid of free radicals. Some antioxidants and healthy fats are lost when you roast the seeds, but they are still good for you.




Sunflower seeds can be bought raw or roasted, with or without the shell. If you buy them raw, you can roast them at home to make them taste even better. Both hulled and unculled seeds can be roasted, and the process is very easy.




How to Roast Seeds Without a Shell




1) Put about 2 cups of unshelled seeds in a bowl that can go in the microwave and heat them for about 90 seconds.




2) Take out the seeds and add just enough water to make them wet, about 2 tablespoons. Then add some unrefined sea salt to taste. Make sure all of the seeds are wet and salted by giving them a good stir.




3) Put it back in the microwave for another minute.




4) Take out and mix.




5) Put it back in the microwave for 40 seconds.




6) Take out and mix. At this point, you can taste the seeds and go back if you need to for another 20 to 30 seconds.




Depending on how much you like them roasted, you may have to repeat step 6 more than once. Just keep in mind that sunflower seeds are easy to burn, so you have to be careful not to.


Good for your health




Sunflower seeds that haven't been hulled are a great alternative to chips and other junk foods because they taste good and keep you busy just like a bag of chips. But sunflower seeds are different because they are good for you. They can help you lose weight by cleaning out your digestive system and making sure you go to the bathroom regularly.




The seeds don't have any cholesterol or other bad fats, so they can help prevent heart disease and high blood pressure. They help the eyes, teeth, skin, hair, and nails.




To get these benefits, all you have to do is eat the seeds. About a handful a day is all you need. But don't eat too many because they contain phosphorus, which can take calcium from your bones and teeth.




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