If there are users who have involvement with Bigpond mail service in a daily basis, those users must be aware about the error code 550. Well the following error is occurred if there are any sort of issue in the internet connection. If such error is experienced users will not be able to use the service as if there is not internet connection Bigpond service will not operate. To solve error code 550, some of the steps are given below
· Check if the connection is only not available for Bigpond mail or the entire browser. In case if the web service is not working try logging in with some other browser.
· Next way to clear the error is by clearing the cache and cookies stored in the browser.
· The other way to solve the problem is by configuring with Bigpond mail settings.
With the following steps users must be able to clear the error code and still if it does not helps than refer to the Bigpond Customer Care Center.
More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/how-to-reset-bigpond-telstrausername-or-email-password/