
What Is The Most Common Cause Of Septic System Failure?

person Posted:  Easy Rooter
calendar_month 16 Jun 2022
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A septic tank is an underground sedimentation tank designed for treating wastewater through biological breakdown and drainage. Discovering its failure brings a miserable experience because it can cause groundwater contamination, sewage ponding in the yard, and sewage backups. Septic tank systems need routine maintenance, and understanding their basic functionality can help you evaluate risks and common causes of failure. Connect with the best plumbers in Reno for the maintenance of a septic tank. The experts will educate you on the signs of a septic system failure.

Here Are The Common Causes Of A Septic System Failure.

    1. Excessive Water Use

Your septic system is designed to hold a limited amount of water. Once it exceeds, the water backs up into the home or onto the yard's surfaces. In addition to excess water use, drainage or runoff water may overwhelm the septic system.

    2. Poor Design or Installation

A septic system designed without considering space needs, sewage flow rate, or soil conditions is bound to fail at any time. Before the septic system installation, professionals should check the soil to detect soil grades and poorly drained areas. The experts evaluate space requirements and site conditions of the drain field for proper installation.

    3. Physical Damage

When cars, heavy equipment, or trucks are allowed to park or drive over an absorption system, the pipes and other components of a septic tank system may be destroyed. 

    4. Lack of Maintenance

Inadequate maintenance leads to several problems. If you leave the septic tank system unattended for a longer time, you ruin its efficiency. Allow professionals to inspect the system for any underlying issues. The experts offer the best services for septic pumping in Sparks and ensure the proper functioning of the effluent filter.

Signs of Failure

    1. Wastewater Backup Into The Home

Pipe blockages and failure of the effluent filter can cause wastewater to flow out of household fixtures, such as sinks. Regular inspection and maintenance prevent such clogging and eventually prevent septic system failure.

    2. Bright Green Spots On The Lawn

Green spots mean system malfunction when it inappropriately discharges wastewater to the yard’s surface. As a result, the ground turns wet and mushy. Moreover, a crack or hole causing a leak or failure of the leach field could cause the system to malfunction. 

     3. Wastewater Smell In The Yard

A minor problem, such as a loose septic tank cover, could be behind a wastewater smell.  The plumbing vent on the house roof is also a common cause. The smell is hard to detect as it flows when the wind is in a specific direction.


With appropriate inspection and maintenance, your septic system will have smooth functioning. Connect with a professional plumbing repair contractor in Reno, NV. The experts have the experience and knowledge to design and install a septic tank system. Schedule an annual inspection to avoid early damages and hassles. The experts do septic system pumping, including removing sludge and scum and cleaning out the effluent filter. Also, ensure you avoid wasting water and be careful what you flush down the toilet or drain.

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