Ahh, the dreaded essay test. We’ve all taken them at one point in our academic careers, but what are the keep points to acing this type of high pressure exam? Make sure you stay prepared by checking these pointers out in this 2 part series.
- Make sure you use the time given to write the essay wisely. Read the question through more than once, ensuring you understand what is being asked in the question. Take any notes to organize your thoughts before beginning to write as these may be the main points of the essay you want to cover. We write essays for sale online on various topics.
- Leave yourself enough time to go back over the essay at the end. Do not spend too much time on any one section. If you break the time up wisely, you will have time to go back over the essay once it is complete.
- Ensure you answer the question that is being asked. Cover the question thoroughly in the time you have. Do not write about what you wish was being asked. Cover all parts of the question even if there are multiple parts to it. Do not leave any detail out, otherwise full credit will not be given.
- Create a clear thesis that addresses the question bing asked. Take the question and turn it into the thesis statement. Make sure that it is a clear thought, and use complete sentences as well. The thesis statement does not have to be as long when taking an essay test. One or two sentences are fine, however this also means it needs to be very direct and clear as to what you will be discussing.
- Do not repeat the question in a form of a statement. Make sure to use your own words to cover the thesis statement in the essay. Even when there is wording in the essay question that would make “a perfect thesis statement”, do not repeat it word for word, make sure to use your own words to cover the topic.
- Keep in mind the thesis is important, however do not spend too much time on it, since there is the body and conclusion to cover as well. Do not waste time trying to make the thesis/introduction too perfect.
- Use the notes you took earlier to begin writing the body of the essay. There should be at least two paragraphs as part of the body. Make sure you re-read the thesis statement, ensuring you cover your topic thoroughly. These two paragraphs also need to support the thesis statement clearly.
- The main points supporting the essay should each have their own paragraph. You will want to add details to these paragraphs as well. There needs to be enough detail to support these main points, as well as the thesis of the essay. Take your time here, this part of the essay should take the longest to develop.
- Make sure to use your best evidence to support your thesis and main points. If your under the gun during a timed essay, you still should try to create the best supporting evidence first and use the weakest evidence last during each paragraph.
- Stick to the outline that you created earlier. This will save you time when completing your essay. However, if you remember additional information while writing the essay, include it. However, try to follow the outline and stay on track, especially during a timed essay.
- You essay should flow from one topic to the next. Make sure that there is an order to the information. There still needs to be a logical path that the essay is following to deliver the final conclusion at the end. I recommend using transition words within each paragraph to help tie each paragraph together.
- Make sure you stick to the topic. If there is time, briefly re-read the essay and scan it as you are writing.
- The conclusion still needs to tie the entire essay together and restate the thesis as well, however using different words. This last paragraph needs to wrap up the essay and tie the entire essay together.
- Prior to completing an essay, check your time. What did you learn? To ensure that the essay writing process goes even smoother next time, think back at what you could of improved.
- Remember to stay calm. Do not panic, this will only make the essay writing process more difficult. Leave yourself enough time to go over the essay at the end, make sure you review it and check for any spelling and grammar errors. At this point you can add to the essay and change any wording, however, keep track of your time.