The keyboard is the bridge between you and the computer. Thanks to it, you can enter information, as well as manage your computer.
Pay due attention to the selection of the keyboard, because the level of your comfort when working with a personal computer will depend on this device.
How to choose a keyboard correctly and for a long time you will learn below. By the way, on you can test the speed of pressing the spacebar and at the same time test the keyboard for stress resistance.
Regular keyboards . So you can call all keyboards costing up to 10-15 dollars and they do their job perfectly. Such a keyboard will suit you if you do not have specific requirements, you are not a gamer and do not type a bunch of text. Typically, these keyboards are used in offices.
Multimedia keyboard . This is a keyboard with additional media player control buttons. Such keyboards make it possible to change the volume, change tracks, start and stop playback at the touch of a button. If you often listen to music and watch movies, then this keyboard will be the most convenient for you. Due to the additional buttons, it costs not much more than a regular keyboard.
Gaming keyboard . Such a keyboard is equipped with a large number of additional buttons and specialized drivers that make it possible to fine-tune the device. Most often, such claves have a rather aggressive design. And they are not very cheap. From the name it is clear that such a keyboard will be useful to avid gamers.
Dedicated keyboard . There is a fairly large number of keyboards designed for a very narrow range of tasks. For example, clave for designers. Such solutions are expensive and difficult to find in a regular store.
Ergonomic keyboard . This clave has a non-standard shape, separated blocks of keys for the right and left hands. This arrangement greatly simplifies typing with a 10-finger blind typing method. Such a clave will be useful to you if you are a lot of blind typing or are going to learn how to do it.
We continue to understand the question of how to choose a keyboard. And now let's decide how you will connect this device to your computer.
Bluetooth - if you want to purchase a wireless model, then the data transfer interface must be either a radio channel or Bluetooth (they are practically the same, only Buetooth has a shorter range). Just be aware that wireless models need constant power and you will need to change batteries regularly, or purchase a charger and battery. In addition, they weigh more than wired models.
Bluetooth / USB is a great option if you have not yet decided which type of connection suits you best. Also, this option is remarkable in that if the batteries run out, you will have the opportunity to connect the keyboard directly to the computer.
PS/2 is a rather old interface that is gradually becoming a thing of the past. In stores, you can rarely find a keyboard with this type of connection. In addition, you will not be able to connect such a keyboard to a laptop.
USB is the best connection method. We advise you to purchase a keyboard with this type of connection. The USB port is available in all computer equipment, and at the same time you do not need to take care of the batteries.
USB + PS / 2 - a universal model that can be connected both in the new and the old type.
Membrane keyboards - almost everyone is familiar with such models, it is these claves that are mainly presented in stores. Signs of such a clave are a characteristic pressing, which is recorded when the key is pressed all the way.
Such devices are the cheapest and last quite a long time (about 20 million clicks), but already after 1/3 of the service life, the effect of fatigue appears (the membrane begins to sag). Because of this, the user begins to feel uneven efforts on different keys.
Advantages - not high noise level, low cost. Not as sensitive to liquid ingress as other types of claves.
Scissor keyboards - the mechanism of operation is the same as that of membrane switch keyboards.
The advantage is that keystrokes are more uniform.
Disadvantage - higher cost
Mechanical switches are an older but more advanced technology used in the manufacture of keyboards. When you press a similar switch, it works even before the button reaches the stop. Ultimately, the force is less than on the membrane clave.
Advantages - the typing speed on such a clave is maximum, the hands get tired less and the sensations are the most comfortable. Durability - the resource is about 50 million clicks. There is no fatigue effect.
The disadvantage is the high price and high noise level. And if manufacturers are at least somehow struggling with noise, then the situation is worse with the price - such keyboards do not cost less than $ 90. If liquid is spilled, such a clave will most likely need to be thrown away.
Semi-mechanical keyboards - a combination of mechanisms of membrane and mechanical keyboards. The effect of "fatigue" is typical for such models. Advantages - more durable than membrane ones, the noise level is less than that of mechanical ones. Disadvantages - high price.
Which keyboard to choose specifically you need to decide directly in the store itself.
We can recommend some brands that offer great value for money - Microsoft, Gigabyte and of course Logitech and Razer.