India Kawasaki Motors has reported the send-off of the 2022 Z650RS 50th Anniversary release. The Z650RS 50th Anniversary release will be accessible in the "Sweets Diamond Brown" variety with a beginning cost of INR 6,79,000/ - (Ex-display area).
Z650RS 50th Anniversary
Kawasaki has delivered the 50th Anniversary to remember Z's heritage. The notorious "Fireball" colorway of the first Z1 was picked for the Z650RS 50th Anniversary. Z's memorable past and sparkling future sparkle so that everybody could see, with wonderful bends shining in the reflexive, rich red of the Iconic "Fireball" plan. The ideal method for remembering 50 years of Z history.
The Z brand's 50-year journey for the best riding thrill, which has been conveyed down the ages, is presently splendidly enhancing these Z models.
2022 Z650RS key details
Everything blurs with time, however, a few attributes persevere, classic styling is one of them, and the Z650RS is prepared to proceed with the retro practice into the future, tricking each eye with the immortal excellence of a standard motorbike. A little tank and a short, conservative tail recognize the Z650RS from its bigger kin, demonstrating light-taking care and an agreeable character.
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Features OF THE 2022 Z650RS 50th ANNIVERSARY release
Radiology is Kawasaki's rider-driven improvement reasoning zeroed in on how the riding experience presented by a Kawasaki is made, guaranteeing that our machines are amusing to ride and remunerating to control. This approach has been the power behind a significant number of our amazing machines, and in our quest for all prospects it will keep on directing the future making of Kawasaki cruisers. The Z650RS 50th Anniversary is restricted to just 20 units for India and conveyance starts in the long stretch of March'22.
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